Auschwitz-Birkenau -
the Judenrampe
When most people
think of the arrival of Jews at Auschwitz, they think of the rail lines inside
the Birkenau camp, passing through the "Gate of Death" of the entry
building. However, these rails were only installed in the spring of 1944, and
only the large shipments of Jews from Hungary in May-June 1944 arrived there.
Prior to this, from the spring of 1942 until about May of 1944, Jews and other
deportees arrived at the so-called Judenrampe, the Jewish platform. This was a
rail line, later expanded to several rail lines, that passed to the west of the
Auschwitz main camp, between there and the later Birkenau camp. This rail line
was the main civilian line passing the Oświęcim
train station and on to the
south and west.
As part of the
construction projects of the Birkenau camp and the factories and support
buildings of the Auschwitz "Interest
Zone," the civilian rail line
was enlarged into a multi-track freight station called "Bahnhof West."
Part of this was the enlarged Judenrampe, which eventually had a concrete
platform some 500 meters long, complete with powerful lights to light up the
arrival and selection process at night. During this selection process, men were
separated from women and children, then those who were deemed fit for work were
separated from those others who were sent immediately to the gas chambers. An
estimated 600-900,000 Jews, Gypsies, and other deportees arrived at the
Auschwitz complex via this Judenrampe.
The best reference on the Judenrampe is Oświęcim-Auschwitz,
Auschwitz-Oświęcim by Hans
Citroen and Barbara Starzyńska, Rotterdam, Post Editions, 2011.
The building designations in parentheses in the text (e.g., BW7B) were the
original construction project numbers for each building.
The photo on the left, taken
around February-March 1943, shows the south end of the "Bahnhof
West" freight lines, looking northeast. A line of freight cars
stands on a rail line to the right, in the area of the original
Judenrampe. The line of buildings on the left was built to store
potatoes and vegetables (see below). In the center, prisoners are
working on additional rail lines for the freight station. The red arrow
shows the location of the modern photo on the right. (Auschwitz-Birkenau
State Museum, The photo on
the right shows the Judenrampe memorial, emplaced in 2005 through French
efforts. Although this is not the site of the original Judenrampe, which
was further to the east, beyond the trees in the right background, this
site was chosen for accessibility. The original rails of the freight
station in this area were torn up and modern rails laid, and freight
cars representing the type used to transport Jews were placed on the
tracks, along with memorial plaques and interpretive markers. (Google
Maps link) |
Two views of the original
Judenrampe site. Dutch researcher Hans Citroen has theorized that the
remains of the concrete ramp lie buried beneath the pile of gravel at
the right of the first photo. Note the line of original concrete lamp
posts, which are absent from the memorial site. Survivors noted that the
original Judenrampe was strongly lit at night. The original tracks at
the right are just on the other side of the gravel pile, and are likely
also part of the original Judenrampe. Slabs and chunks of concrete can
be found along these rails, possibly part of the concrete ramp that
replaced the original wooden Judenrampe. (area
of the original Judenrampe site) |
In the fall and winter of
1942-43, prisoners from the Birkenau labor camp built a series of ten
warehouses as storage for potatoes and vegetables, produce of the
Auschwitz area farms run by the SS, that were shipped out via the
freight station "Bahnhof West." These Kartoffellagerhallen
(BW95) remain in ruins today, near the Judenrampe memorial. (Auschwitz-Birkenau
State Museum, |
Across the street from the Kartoffellagerhalle ruins are some
original rails. These were the final rail lines laid in the area of
Bahnhof West, in 1944, to service the Zerlegebetrieb salvage facility
some distance further to the southwest. This facility was a recycling
center for downed military aircraft, run by the Luftwaffe, with labor
provided by Auschwitz prisoners. The prisoners broke up the remains,
retaining parts that could be re-used in aircraft production, and
preparing the rest for metal recycling. |
An additional building was
erected nearby, a Krautsilo (BW96) for storage of cabbage produce, also
a ruin today. (Yad Vashem Collections) (Google
Maps link) |
Continue to Auschwitz II Birkenau extermination
camp and concentration / slave labor
Continue to
Auschwitz III Monowitz and
surrounding labor camps, along with the IG Farben Buna-Werke factory site
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"Interest Zone" - SS administrative buildings and
housing, and factory, agricultural, and support sites outside the main camps
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Reich in Ruins pages on concentration camp sites
-- Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen,
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S/III Jonastal, Mauthausen
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